A group of six hikers walking through a grassy meadow towards a forest of tall evergreen trees under a clear blue sky.

2023 Summer internships now posted!

2023 Summer Internship Opportunities are Posted! For the summer of 2023, we have some fantastic opportunities for potential interns. Mountain lions in the Santa Cruz mountains, rosy finches in the Sierra Nevadas, seals, snakes, eDNA and more – and for the first time, we will have a  a science illustration internship! Click here to see…Continue Reading 2023 Summer internships now posted!

The 2022 Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium was a huge success!

Group of people in a hallway with large windows and wavy wooden ceiling panels, discussing posters on display.

The Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium, an annual symposium hosted by CAMINO and the EEB department at UCSC, is an event that to look forward to. This is the time of year when CAMINO scientists present the research that they’ve done the past summer either in a lightning talk or in a scientific poster (or both!)….Continue Reading The 2022 Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium was a huge success!

Congratulations to Ceyenna Tillman

Congratulations to Ceyenna Tillman, CAMINO 2020 intern Ceyenna won an academic scholarship through the Aquarium of the Pacific’s African American Scholar Program. The award reflects her outstanding academic merit at UCSC, excellence in marine science research with the CAMINO program and labs on campus, and her desire to pursue a future career in marine sciences. Check out AoPs scholarship…Continue Reading Congratulations to Ceyenna Tillman

CAMINO to host a virtual seminar series

BLACK SCIENTISTS ADVANCING ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION | Wednesdays 1:25-2:15PM Pacific The seminar series is a survey of contemporary research in ecology, evolution and conservation biology, specifically highlighting contributions by and experiences in these fields of Black scientists. Our invited speakers’ work focuses on understanding and addressing challenges to biodiversity, climate and well-being in a rapidly…Continue Reading CAMINO to host a virtual seminar series

CAMINO EEB Fall Research Symposium

CAMINO invites you to join our virtual Fall 2020 research symposium this Friday, October 16, 2020 from 11AM – 1PM PDT. The 2020 cohort of interns will be presenting short talks on the summer research they’ve completed in a variety of labs across EEB. This is a great opportunity for any students interested in applying…Continue Reading CAMINO EEB Fall Research Symposium