Indie Genest

A group of six hikers walking through a grassy meadow towards a forest of tall evergreen trees under a clear blue sky.

Hi there! My name is Indie Genest, I am a second year majoring in marine biology. This summer I will be working with the Zavaleta Lab in the Eastern Sierras, researching the Gray Crowned Rosy Finch. I know the Eastern Sierras are far from the ocean, but being able to be on a team trying to conserve and understand a really cool bird is something I am very excited about.To unravel ecological mysteries within the ocean that will help with conservation efforts is what I want to do with my life and now I get to be on a project within conservation!

My favorite thing about college is how much I get to learn. Whether it is in the classroom or my job at Fort Ord Nature Reserve, I have learned so much. I am incredibly excited for how much I am going to learn about field research. I am also excited because I get to be a part of such a special project, where I am helping (in a small way) with conservation of these birds. In my free time you will probably find me attempting to surf, rock climbing, hiking, diving in the bay, taking a nap anywhere there is sunshine, or chasing a cool animal I saw.

Indie Genest – Zavaleta Lab