Neuroscience and Marine Mammals – Costa Lab
BACKGROUND: Are you interested in the neuroscience and behaviors of deep diving marine mammals? I am! I’m looking for help characterizing the rest behavior of elephant seals, specifically with analyzing video and motion sensor data from sleep studies of elephant seals.
INTERN DUTIES: The data has been collected already, but there may also be some opportunities to help out with the animals in the field or at The Marine Mammal Center, where I perform some of my studies. Depending on your goals, this project could constitute enough for a peer reviewed publication and/or a presentation at a conference.
QUALIFICATIONS: Some background in biology would be helpful as well as a preliminary understanding of data processing softwares such as Excel or Matlab or R. However, I can provide all the training that is needed for this project. All that I ask is that the applicant is motivated, careful, and has a good attitude.
Should I Volunteer during Spring Quarter? Yes – Not required, however highly recommended